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If God Is Everything…

If God Is Everything…

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Which also begs the question if God knows everything, he has knowingly created people that he knows are going to Hell before they even exist. How is that.... If God is in control of everything, why do bad things happen to us? I'd like to believe in God, but I just can't understand this.. If God was part or everything, then why didn't he know where man was hiding in the Garden of Eden? Or, more importantly, why didn't he know when the snake.... "If the pantheist starts with the belief that the one great reality, eternal and infinite, is God, he sees everything finite and temporal as but some part of God. There is.... When you give more careful attention, what you realize is that Paul is using a general statement about God's working everything according to.... Since it did not always exist, but came into existence (had a singular beginning), then some other reality must have caused or created it.1. Everything we observe.... Opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s). CP Current Page: Voices | Wednesday, June 19, 2019. If God.... Since everything is God there is no distinction between good and evil. This negates ... The Christian position is: if the universe were taken away, God still exists.. People have been asking this question for thousands of years. Christians say God does not have a beginning or an end. I find it hard to.... Although the statement "If there is no God, everything is permitted" is widely attributed to Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov (Sartre was.... Some Christians, both Calvinists and non-Calvinists, think of God's providence in this incorrect way: If God has determined every future event,.... If God knows everything that will happen and has a plan for creation, what is the use of racking our brains to try and make authentic choices?. The belief that God became the Universe is a theological doctrine that has been developed ... A more contemporary statement of this idea is that: "Since God is not a being, he is therefore not intelligible. ... rejected by Augustine of Hippo, that "[n]ot only man, however, but everything else in nature is destined to return to God.. If God Is Dead, Your Time Is Everything. Martin Hgglund argues that rigorous secularism leads to socialism. By James Wood. May 13, 2019.. It's what Dostoyevsky said: if God is dead, then everything is permitted. That means no distinction between right and wrong and thus no morality. Now you can walk.... This phrase changes everything. It reorients my heart. It turns me Godward. When I ground myself on the truth that God loves me, I view my.... After that, it's just a skip and a jump to the idea that, if God is everything, and you and I are a part of everything, then you and I are God. Aslan doesn't just present.... It is generally claimed that everything good comes from God. Then where does human suffering come from?. God has no need to have been created, since He exists either outside time (where cause and effect do not operate) or within multiple.... If we believe that God is sovereign, all-knowing, all-powerful and that he is a good Father who knows all our needs, then why bother to pray?


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